How to avoid "Skipping wheel for other Python Version"?

Some of my dependencies - like OpenCV - don’t have explicit Python 3.11 versions. shows the latest release was for 3.7. When I went to try installing my addon on another PC Blender skipped over multiple wheel dependencies with the following message:

Skipping wheel for other Python version (cp37=>(3.7) not in 3.11): opencv_python-

How do I prevent Blender from skipping this dependency?

Full source code if it’s helpful for figuring this out…

I have the same question as well. On a project I’m currently working a temporary workaround was to rename the wheel, which is most likely not recomended/best practise but hey it worked :grin:
For my case it was psutil and I renamed psutil-6.1.0-cp37-abi3-win_amd64.whl to psutil-6.1.0-cp311-abi3-win_amd64.whl

The non-renamed worked in 4.2 but not 4.3.

Renaming seems to be the workaround suggested here too.

I thought I’d tried that already, but maybe I messed up some part of the process. I’ll try it again.

Edit: Tried renaming again, and it was able to install this time (both on 4.2.4 and 4.3.0). It looks like 4.3 may have had some issues during testing where it wasn’t replacing the old version of my addon with the new one, so maybe that caused it?