how to bake fake GI ?

is there a way to bake fake GI with Blender ?
Any chance that other renderers do it ?
I can’t remember the name of a python application that might handle it.
I tested blender 2.43 last but it hangs indefinitely baking AO.

Baking AO in CVS is the only way that I’m aware of. As far as it taking so long, I haven’t noticed it taking any longer than a regular AO pass.

Load your uv layout and then load a blank image into the uv window (it will ruin any image that you plan to use in the scene by clearing it to black). Then use ctrl+alt+B and select AO. The combined pass gives you a very limited AO effect unless you use scene lighting to illuminate the mesh. This is, I believe, because the AO is being applied to the image that gets cleared to black and has no lighting because it is not yet part of the scene.

Check out this post:

Hi RamboBaby,:slight_smile:
thanks for your suggestions.
I had some doubt indeed as I saw the black screen .
I am looking into renderman compliant renderers as Aqsis and Pixie as I realized those can bake textures ( I m more interested in hemisphere light than AO even though I am not counscious of render time differences, I believe that would be faster).
I read this suggestion on a post here on forum :

vertex-paint your whole model light grey and press the button “VCol Light” The whole model should then be lighted everywhere you want and you have got intensity control.
Tried but didn’t work too good as you have to be a sort of painter.
Back to renderman I am trying to figure how to avoid using cgkit as it wont compile on linux .
I am no either convinced very much by blender bake right now , maybe later .
I remember the bake script for blender I have used but wasn’t really fast also I guess you have to involve raytracing or radiosity
So ,
that’s all-

If you use vertex colors you don’t have to paint. You can choose the color that you want and enable the “Set VertColor” on the paint tab in the edit buttons (F9). Then you have to enable “V Col Light” on the materials tab.

How many samples do you have AO set to and how large is your scene? AO can take a while, but it usually doesn’t try to choke a computer to death unless you’re just low on system resources.

I am not sure I use those right (vertex color) but I need time anyway to master the feature .
I have AO set to 5 samples , and by itself is not too slow considering I am rendering a male model of standard poly count ( around 1000).
The problem is that if I want to bake lights I need to use the “old” bake script
that does radiosity …models baked look really good to me but it takes too long if you want to render a big game level ( 20.000 polygons for example ).
Maybe I can set some setting lower for radiosity I ll check.

Set the Max Iterations # to a lower count (100 or so), but you’ll get a lower quality render. Also the limit subdivide button might help too.

thanks for your patience RamboBaby.
I just fiddled with various scripts to bake color to uv and so on and I am almost pissed by how the thing blows up.
I guess I might have to switch to free renderes (no open source like gelato or 3delight ) but I discard the idea of such a slavery .
Anyway this looked promising but messy -translated from french:
