Is it possible to have the selected box move its verts to the same position as the triangular box?
Do you mean basic morphing of the shapes or just moving the actual box?
Making the shape match the other object’s shape, like shape keys.
can you explain in words what the nodes are doing vs what my nodes were not doing?
Won’t this only work if the index count and order are the same?
Sure, but his example indicated that they had the same vert count. He didn’t do a good job with what he needed exactly
You either need to sample the positions or use vector math to position them. I think the capture node needs to be in the chain to be useful.
I start with 1 cube, duplicate it and modify the shape, then I’m trying to use the position data of the 2nd cube as the positions of the first cube.
This is something that I assume is going to be necessary for my other help request to work, which is having a flat mesh in the viewport based on the UVs of another mesh and then as I reposition those points, the data from that is passed on to another object where it is used at the UV data again.
I’m trying to find a workaround that will let me use Bezier Mesh Shaper and Loop Tools features on the UV data points. Those 2 addons only work in the 3d viewport and not the UV editor.
If you really want to change the shape of one given object you might use Docs-Blender Manual: Shape Keys… ?
…i’m dumb… i canot read… it seems i need a break.
Similar to kkar’s suggestion, just add a mix node to blend between the shapes.
Not sure what you mean with your other request re: UVs.
Good luck.
Why do you need to sample the index of the external geometry? Why can’t you just pass the positions from the first object to the second object? What does it mean to sample?
Capture Attribute and Store Named Attribute store Attributes on a Geometry, not across Geometries.
When you want to transfer an Attribute from one Geometry to another, you need to Sample it.
It is a vague English term that means many things… in the NG context, it means the same as “read” but differs in that it doesn’t operate on the current evaluating context. It refers to any of the nodes found in the “Sample” submenus. e.g. Geometry → Sample, Mesh → Sample, etc.
Note that Index of Nearest is the exception in that it operates on the same Geometry and not across Geometries.