How to combine asset catalogs of 2 different existing files each has its own

How do you append (or combine/merge) 2 files each has its own “current” assets already setup in different folders? The intent is to have it as 1 asset library as I start to realise I have too many different “asset” libraries and like to reduce it by merging some of them.
I tried just copy one to other folders, but the “catalogue” of the source file is missing after copied to the “target” folder as my asset library.

I think you can just drag them all into the main asset folder.
(edit) The folders I mean.

I copy the source blender file (with asset library built) to the target folder where I already have another blender file with existing asset library.
Still after copy over (drag and drop as I think you meant) … when open this source blender file in this new target folder, the original set of catalogues are all gone, only the target blender file existing catalogues remain in “current asset”.

Is there any update to this problem? I’d like to organize my assets in a separate file (sometimes after finishing a project), and just add that file to my asset folder. Unfortunately, this way I lose all my catalogues I set in the asset browser. Same with just having two Blend files in the same folder. As soon as I change the catalogues in one file, it changes in all of them (because they all use the same “blender_assets.cats.txt” file for storing their catalogues).

Edit: Oh come on, it doesn’t even work to have sub-folders with each one containing a Blend file and its respective blender_assets.cats.txt

What the hell?