How to combine extrude and scale?

hi everyone. i’m trying to figure out how to do quick modeling by scaling while extruding, as this video shows at 1:11. when i hit E, i can start the extrude, but if i hit S then it turns into a lateral scale from the starting point of the extrude, rather than the endpoint. i cannot do both, as this guy is showing. i feel like an idiot. how do i combine these functions, so i can easily follow a reference contour as in the video? any guidance would be most appreciated.

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Hi, he is showing you at the bottom right the mouse and the keyboard short keys.

S scale E extrude


You’ll have to finish extruding before scaling.

Left click or press ‘enter’ to complete the extrusion when you have it as tall as you want it, then you can begin scaling; completing that by left clicking, and so on.

What happens without left clicking/pressing ‘enter’ to complete each operation:

What happens when you do:

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for some reason, that doesn’t work when i do it. it will not allow me to change the end diameter, whether i click the mouse at the correct length or press S. i can only extrude at the start diameter, and then fan out 90 degrees from there. no cone shapes.

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it doesn’t look like that when i do it. the extrude does, but then when i click to finish it and hit S, i get the scale gizmo, which i have to grab. what you’re showing and what the chess guy showed is a much faster process. don’t know what i’m doing wrong.

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The old user version is to just use the shortcuts ‘E’ for extrude, ‘S’ for scale, ‘G’ for grab and ‘R’ for rotate - all very quick without needing to use a gizmo at all if you don’t want to. This is slightly different from the tools that give you more advanced options while active.


i don’t know if something changed in 4.2, because that chess video is an older version.

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No, those controls are the same in 4.2.

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No, when I said ‘old user’ I meant people like me being old users.

The shortcuts still work - though if you finish the video, you use less of what he demonstrates there as he is actually giving better advice to use modifiers to start from the top instead of working your way up from the ground floor and having no control over the geometry.

That said, I still to this day model on the fly by using Median Point for the pivot and E, S, G, and R for most of the modeling.


that’s what i can’t figure out. those shortcuts aren’t behaving for me. it only lets me extrude parallel to the original contour, then scale lateral to the extrude. will not resize end contour to make cone shape, whether i try to combine steps or do it separately.

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Is it possible that in Edit > Preference > Keymap > Preferences > Tool Keys: Do you have it set to Active Tool (it should be set to Immediate)

This will make only the gizmos appear.

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aargh! i just tried that, but it made it worse. i switched it back. this is maddening. i watch videos of other people doing it, but it’s not working.

Can you take a screen recording of what is happening for you?


I’m wondering if Snapping is set to on with the behavior described. Also wonder about the pivot point, but that might not necessarily have anything to do with it.


Not sure how they do it in the vid but I have to

EZ to extrude along the z axis -
Left Click to confirm -
S to scale -


umm, i don’t know how to do that. i guess i have to install OBS or something. let me try to figure that out…

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no, snapping is off, and the extrude and scale move smoothly; they just don’t cooperate.

that’s what i was doing, but it’s not working.

Sorry I meant left click to confirm (have corrected.)

I use a pen so it is just “tap”

I presume you have transform orientation set to Global (so Z is up)


yes, it’s on global