How to combine mixamo animations with your own animation?

So I downloaded a bunch of mixamo animations and added them to my character with action strips in nla editor. Now I want to make small adjustments and changes here and there. F.E. I want to change the movement of the left arm slightly and to accomplish that I rigged the arm up and animated it myself.

Problem is, that “erases” the underlying mixamo animation. Like it “overwrites” it, but I simply want to add it.

I hope you know what I mean. This issue has taken me hours by now and I cant find resources on the net on how to solve this.

Can you help? I am a newbie to this whole topic.

Honestly when it comes to animation tweeking, I just port them to ue4 and do it there. Granted it is a hella learning curve to do that. But I want to say that autorig pro has some tools to help out with this, if you wanted to do it with a blender addon.

Otherwise the only way I could think to do this would be to have one rig copy another rig so that you are baking your animations and tweeks to the other rig without touching the source animation.