How to combine multiple textures into one?

Hi, you’ll have to combine the textures properly. Set each texture node to clip and follow the node setup I made for the guy in this thread. If each material needs a different type of shader (glass, diffuse, anisotropic), then you need to make a mask and plug that into the factor of a mix shader.

First combine those images seperately. You then feed the combined output into a math node set to greater than 0. This math node is plugged into the factor of the mix shader, and the combined color output is plugged into the other shader.

For all of this to work, it is really important to set the image nodes to clip. Otherwise it will treat each image as though it infinitely repeats, and that makes its impossible to combine things properly.

EDIT: I decided to expand upon my explanation as well as add some examples. First when you combine images with the mixRGB node, you can use add to avoid making a mask. However, in order for this to work, you have to make sure the second texture is covering black. This will be the case if the texture is in a place the other textures don’t cover and all the textures are set to clip.

If this isn’t the case then set the mixRGB node to mix and plug the second texture into a math node set to greater than zero as well as the second slot in the mixRGB node.

Here is an example gif. I combined two textures to make the diffuse image and used a glass shader for the circular texture:

Here is the blend file:example.blend (7.1 MB)