I have two image textures in my blender object one is a texture atlas with reset uv unwrap and the other is a mask for texture painting over the other texture so that it doesnt tile. So there are two uv maps. Can i combine both textures into one whole?
Check the alpha channel of your “Mask_paint” image, which you used for the Mix Shader as a Factor.
Its probably just white (1, 1, 1) and therefore just showing the shader from the second slot of the Mix Shader node
No, that’s not what i was talking about.
Go to your “Mask_paint” image node node. Do you see the two output sockets “Color” and “Alpha”? You used the alpha information of that texture to control the factor of the Mix Shader node.
You have to change the alpha information of that texture - not the Alpha value of the shader. Or use a different texture to control the Fac input of the Mix Shader
Thanks, I think I’ve made some progess the baking worked this time it displays the texture turns out i forgot to save one of the textures… The only problem is that the painted area is black, is that because of lighting?
I think it is because of the “Mask_paint” texture. Its probably black.
But i can’t tell you exactly without seeing any of the textures. Can you show us, how they look like?