How to combine two videos side by side

So I’m trying to make a side-by-side 3D image to show on a television.

I’ve rendered the objects from two points of view. I’ve made videos of each camera angle.

What I need to do now is combine these two videos so that they make one video with the two views next to one another.

I have no clue how to do this. Anybody have any idea?

You can use the node editor
Example shows two 720p videos side by side. Adjust the transform node values for the appropriate final render size

In the video sequencer you can add both videos
To each add a transform effect strip and scale on x xis by 50% and translate them to the left and right as appropriate by 25%
Set the blend type to the top strip to alpha over so you can see both videos

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If you’re wanting to do it on a TV, you don’t want them side by side. You need to render it as a stereo image. Side by side is for use with VR headseats, and still has to be setup in the right format.

Side by side is a stereo image packing that all stereo tv-s support. But it must be squeezed horizontally to fit into standard aspect ratio, it can not be double wide.

Okay, I can do that.

To each add a transform effect strip and scale on x xis by 50% and translate them to the left and right as appropriate by 25%
Set the blend type to the top strip to alpha over so you can see both videos

Right, I have no idea how to do any of those things. How do you add a transform effect strip? How do you translate them left and right? How do you set the blend type to the top strip to alpha over?

I don’t need to scale, my two videos are already scaled to be half a screen each.