how to control particles path and collision? [solved]

I´m using blender 2.48, for an university work, I made a book opening. I wanted to use particles, to better the work quality, the problem is I can´t control them well.

The book would open, and particles would, at least in my plan,execute a movement shown below, like dust. It would move in both ways of the y axis, in only one of the ways of the x axis and it wouldn´t move in the z axis(the height axis). I wanted the particles to not ignore the book model, preventing them from transpassing the book as if it were a ghost.

So…resuming, how I make the particles die when collided with the book, and how I control a path for the particles, like the one show in the drawing below?

sorry about the bad quality drawing, i´m kind of in hurry :o.


To make the particles die: select the book, and in the Physics buttons (F7), enable Collision and “Kill”.
It’s possible to add a curve to control the path of the particles, but there may be another solution. In the physics panel of the particles system, choose “Boids” instead of “Newtonian” and enable 2D. Particles will stay on the same height.

God bless you bupla, I will post the results when I finish the project

Here, as I promissed:

book video:

book blend: