I rendered a short animation in 1080@60 as a image sequence. Now I need to convert it to two videos: high quality (1080@60) and low quality (720@30). I figured how to reduce resolution of sequence (by using a scale node), but I can’t figure how to change speed. If I just set fps to 30, animation slows down doubly. I tried to change time remapping and frame step but nothing worked
Some one will have to confirm but I don’t believe you can do that in the compositor at the moment. I think you’re going to have to throw it in the VSE and render out another image sequence.
Yeah, I think you have to use the speed control strip in the vse in order to do this. First, set the framerate to 60 in the dimensions section of the output tab in the property editor. Now click the end field, and enter the number of seconds the movie will last * 60 (ex: 180*60) to add the appropriate number of frames to the timeline. Don’t forget to change the file format to ffmpeg video if you don’t want another frame sequence as the output.
Next, switch to the video sequence editor and add the frame sequence you want to the timeline. Add a speed control strip a track above the frame sequence (shift + a > Effect Strip > Speed control). Finally, you select the arrow at the end of the purple image sequence strip, press G and move the end of the strip to the last frame of the timeline in order to stretch it to length. You don’t need to change any setting on the speed control strip, rendering the video now should produce output at the appropriate framerate. You’ll need to adjust the framerate, the number of frames in the timeline, length of the strip, and output resolution in order to do the same for the lower res version of the movie (It might be a good idea to add a new scene to the blend just for the low res version).