How to convert any rig to a Rigified rig

Scenario: You download a model from online the interwebs. You import it into Blender. It’s already rigged, but you want to make a rigified rig out of it.

Is there a quick/easy way to do that? I’ve been trying to google this for months and I’ve only ever found tutorials on creating a Rigified rig from a metarig, not converting an already-existing one to a Rigified one. So either Ive been using the wrong words in Google or it’s straightup impossible, but I’m desperate lol so I’m asking here now.

The closest I could find is the add-on Expykit, one of its features is that it lets you create a Rigified rig by converting an already existing one, but a huge problem is that it deletes any bones that aren’t entered into the converter, so bones for cloth are all gone and the mesh becomes a huge mess when you pose certain bones.

Edit: Oh there’s also this addon which solves the above problem but it only works for MMD models.