How to convert greace pencil drawing in long png image

Hi! I drawing the cartoon. I have a background I made in greace pencil. There is a lot of lines and it hard to rendering. So I want to convert all the background to png image. But I have one problem - the background is long peace of drawing and camera will going to the left and shuting the background.

So the question is - is there the way to convert all long background to png image?

Just change your output settings to the resolution you want your PNG to be, and then move your camera so that everything you want is in frame. Then you can just render your image as normal.

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Looks as it could works Thanx! I’ll try)

I did not find the way to squash the camera (settings of resolution) in that way to keep all the horisontal areas of the drawing… I try a bug resolution but it does not cover all the image to the left and to the right

Why are you using the pixel’s aspect ratio instead of setting a different resolution?

For example, set the ‘Resolution X’ to 12K (as you have), but keep the ‘Resolution Y’ to something a lot smaller than that, like 2K… that will give you a total aspect ration of 6:1, which should be more than enough to enclosure the whole area… Then just move the camera to fit everything in. (G+XX or G+YY to center it, and G+ZZ to zoom in/out)

(and keep the ‘Aspect X’ and ‘Y’ to 1.0)
PS: and probably you should do it in a copied file, to keep the original intact.


Thanx, I tested your solution and it could works in perspective mode of the camera

but in this way all color layer will move a little aside (shifted a little)

I try to figure out how to make the same but in orthographyc mode of the camera

in orthogrphyc mode it can be solved by changing the size of the object

Thanx to all for your help!