How to create Default Blender Material Preview scene without any difference?

I have a simple question especially from Blender developers:

How to create a simple scene to render like Default Blender Material Preview without any difference?
In fact the main question is:
How to render and save Default Blender Material Preview in higher or desired resolution without any difference at least with simplest type of preview render(i.e. Flat: Flat XY plane)?

At first it seems to be simple but hard to get a render result like Default Blender Material Preview. I tried different Materials, Textures, Lamps, Camera and Render settings and achieved similar result but not identical. For example, The type of Lamp, Distance, Energy, Location, Rotation and other settings of the scene, influence on Diffuse and Specular Color of the Material and Texture.

Have Blender any Add-on to Save or Export Default Blender Material and Texture Preview in higher or desired resolution without any difference? If not how to create suchlike scene? Is any way to render and save Default Blender Material Preview in higher or desired resolution internally without creating and setting up a scene?

Identically is important not similarity! The Default Blender Material Preview is fast and nice.


it is a material preview not an object preview!
which is functions of mapping and scene light set up and other objects around too !

only thing that comes to mind
is to open a new window and make it Camera then make a small sqare to render only one object!

mind you in cycles you can render continously if you have a powerfull machine

happy cycles

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