How to create funky hair styles?

Ok, I watched “Final Fantasy : Advent Children” last week ‘cuz my cousin was over and so we watched it. And I was wondering, is there any way to recreate clouds’ hair in blender?

I just thought he had an interesting hair style so yeah I was wondering if there was a way to re-create it.

Thank you, Borg.

Everyone haven’t seen the movie so it would help if you would post a picture of him.

Oh, oops didnt think of that. gimme a min to find some.

3 min later
There you go :slight_smile: and thanks for pointing it out.

Oh, you could probably do that with Jahka’s new particle patch. It has clumping for the spikes and it’s even soft-body simulated and stuff. It’s awesome.

Is it somewhere on these forums or is it something I could find on google? or on belnder’s website?

…Have you checked the first page of the blender news forum recently? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm…No but I shall do so…right now ^.^;

Post a render when you make it.

If I’m ever able to -.-; I tried to re-install the python thing. Didnt work. And well I wasnt able to find the full particle thing from jahka.

Check this out too…