How to cut into an extrusion?

First off, I’m extremely new to Blender.

I’m attempting to model a simple 3d key using a reference picture, and I can’t figure out how to deal with this one little problem…I’m modeling the key itself by inserting a circle and grabbing its vertices to the outline of the key, then giving it a face, extruding, subsurfing, setting smooth…and it’d be fine, except that the key has a hole in it on the bottom, and I’m not sure how to cut that hole into my extruded key (before subsurfing/setting smooth).

Could anyone help me out? Thanks!


Delete all the Faces in the flat part where the hole will go (finger pad), Select the Verts around where those faces were, hit E to extrude, enter to cancel extrusion, Alt-S to Scale inwards along Normals. You may have to build some faces to close it all up inside the hole by selecting 4 verts and pressing F. You can cut a set of faces to delete with Shft-K in Edit mode with Edges you want to cut selected.

When you’re done try making the same key with Curves (Bezier or NURBS). If you add one Curve inside another it makes a hole.


Fligh your’e too quick, you beat me to it.:wink: Anyways he’s explaination is more detailed than my. Dudewithasock show us how you went.

I get most of what you said except this first part…here’s what I’m looking at after completing the key’s outline and shift+F:

What am I supposed to be deleting from there? :confused:

I don’t know Fligh, I think he has to start again. Model from a cube or a plane, and extrude that way.

Even if I started from a plane, how would that be any different? And wouldn’t I just need more vertices, which would give me screwed up faces again?

Sorry for these questions, I’m still learning Blender, and this is my first attempt at modeling, well, anything.

ok easy task.

delete all faces you have
at the handle where if covers the hole of the key.
than select the CV which outline the handle hit extrude and scale only along 2 axis!

this means hit s for scale and than shift x or y or z depending which axis you want to lock and scale down to create the wall thickness.
than all you need is to select cv from top and place them at the right spot so it follows the shape of the hole of the key.

tada you are done.

also try this out.

draw a circle
dont leave edit mode
draw another circle bigger or smaller.

than select both rings and hit shift + f!

it filles the space between the rings. thats what flight was talking about!

Aight I’m gonna try it this way, sounds easy. I’ll post back when I get it.

Sorry, I know this should be easy, but for some reason I couldn’t grasp it.

tsss 3D is not easy.

it is very logical but also very complex.

don’t bother to ask. everybody start at the first step!

K well I got the hole working…now the subsurfing looks horrible…I think I’ll just make different parts of the key and then put em together.
Thanks for the help.

If you are going to use subsurfing you should have three edge loops defining all edges. If you have the verts of triangles on an edge your subsurfing will be ugly and even “set smooth” will not look good. Start with the hole shape and extrude outwards to shape the key head. Then extrude the key head depth and finally the shaft.

quick example:

How exactly do I go about doing that?

Nice work GreyBeard! How did you do that? Did you use a plane, a cube or circle? GreyBeard how about posting the blend file so Dudewithasock can see what you did.

That’d be swell…cause if ozo doesn’t know how you did it, I shouldn’t be expected to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I know how to do it alright. I’m just waiting for GreyBeard.:slight_smile: It’s like poker, you always let someone else show their cards first. But this ain’t Poker, we’re supposed to sharing! This is Blender. Come on GreyBeard show us your cards, sorry I mean your Blend.

Dudewithasock you can do using a Plane, a cube or even Bezier curve if you wanted it to, it’s really up to you. But what I was getting at earlier was, see how GreyBeards faces on the Key image are nice and neat, well that’s what I meant. That way you don’t get weird deformations when you hit the sub surf button.

If GreyBeard don’t give you a Blend file by tomorrow, I’ll send you a blend. Probably when you see the blend you’ll say that’s so easy, why didn’t I think of that. But it’s always easy when you know how.

Do you mean the method of taking a no-face closed object, extruding 0, then scaling 0 and removing doubles? Is that what Grey did?

Ok lets say GreyBeard used a cube to model the key, which he subdivided twice using the w key. He would end up with area highlighted in yellow.

Then in edit mode, he spins the top vertices on the cube 90 degrees. See the green highlighted area.

Then he did the samething for the bottom part of the cube. See Blue highlighted bit.

Now he’s got a half moon shape, he duplicates that (red area), spins it around and joint the 2 halves together and removes doubles.

Lastly see the purple bit, he selected those eight vertices and extruded out to form the rest of the key.

That’s one way GreyBeard could of done it. The other is using a plane and adding k cuts. and following the practically the same method as above.

But more importantly, see each face on the model is a square. Blender likes square faces and dislikes triangle faces. Dudewithasock, on your first model you have stretched triangles and they don’t look good when rendered. It’s neater to have square faces.


That sorta makes sense…but because of the smoothness being where it is on the key I think I’ll just use Bezier curves, I’m a little more comfortable with those.

I didn’t keep a blend file – just made the picture and dumped it. If you watch the following video it should show you the skills you need to make your key.

(do a save-as to save to your computer)


Hey GreyBeard it’s too big! Can you make it smaller?:slight_smile: