How would you cut the faces that overlap with each other? I have tried the method of creating a bounding box to determine the boolean operation but so far I only managed to merge these meshes instead of cutting the faces that overlap.
This should be the end result where 2 of the meshes are separated and the geometry is filled.
Have you tried doing the Boolean difference of the original mesh and it’s Boolean Union with itself (with self intersection enabled)? To shrink/smooth the final result you can subdivide it.
Thank you. I tried making it work with booleans to a degree of success. It works great for individual pairs like the 2 cubes but I didn’t manage to make an algorithm that would sort it for all parts and “pairs” of the mesh. E.g the first boolean will work for the mesh being unioned with another boolean but it will neglect the other mesh boolean with this mesh.
Hello! Amazing node set-up. It’s exactly the result that I was solving to achieve. The third method you showed looks to be the simplest and most accurate out of them 3.
I am curious about your process for the first and second, how is utilizing the dot product from the ray cast gives us the areas we want to have deleted?