How to cut windows into a sub-d object?

Hello all, my current WIP is seen in this thread.

I’m trying to figure out a good way to cut windows into the sides of the command tower, and the sides of the main hull. The main hull has been doable, but the command tower is proving to be a royal pain. The problem is, I’m using sub-d heavily, and subdividing faces or even cutting them with the knife tool produces some very weird effects at the point where the faces meet adjacent faces. I’ve tried just using a pair of horizontal loop cuts to define the window height, then doing multiple extrusions of that face, scaling it in Y each time to set the horizontal borders of the windows, but doing the extrusion on the very curvy command tower gets weird edges poking out of the model, bad creases, etc.

I’ve considered booleans, but as far as I can tell Blender booleans suck even worse than booleans in some of the other modelers.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



Have you tried the method I posted in your WIP thread?

Select the verts you want for the window.

|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |

. = Vert      _ & | = edge

Now press Y to split these. Reselect the verts round the outside edge of the section you just split using B tool.

|                 |
.                 .
|                 |

. = Vert      _ & | = edge

Must make sure you select verts on this edge of the mesh from each side.

Now extrude into the mesh, only move by the smallest amount to give a sharp crease, then extrude again into the mesh but a little further this time. One final extrusion in should give you enough depth.

Hope this makes sense,
