How to decrease specularity in Cycles?

I have modelled and rendered a table mat. It’s awesome, but here and there, there is just a tiny bit too much specularity. I’m using only Diffuse BSDF with Roughness 0.2 and question is: how to decrease specularity? It’s just a tiny bit too shiny (whitish, washed out).

If you are only using diffuse then you should not see any reflection.
As a simple example, to get a specular highlight (reflected light source) you would mix the diffuse shader with a glossy shader

Show us what you see (screenshot + .blend file)

I’m attaching a screenshot, don’t want to share the .blend file. I’m using only Diffuse with Roughness 0.2. The light is an emitting plane + a little bit of world color - grey. The marked areas look a little bit plasticy, whereas they should resemble wood more. Thanks.


The marked areas look a little bit plasticy, whereas they should resemble wood more. Thanks.
Looks nothing like plastic to me. Isn’t wood slightly reflective anyway. Don’t expect to get a wood material just with a single diffuse shader.

Yor’re probably right, I will check up on some wood material tutorials.