I’m new to the deform operators and was wondering what’s the best approach to deform the lip of a glass to form a small, curved spout? I’m thinking of something like the spouts that beakers or measuring cups have. Ideally it’d be nice if the deformation preserved volume.
I tried using border select to select a chunk of the mesh that I want to deform and then I created a bezier curve that I’d like the mesh to deform along:
but I’m unsure what to do next. If I apply a deform modifier, it won’t let me select the curve, and I’m also unsure how to apply the modifier just to the selected vertices and not the whole object.
Imho you have 4 times more geometry going on than necessary. Subsurf modifier on circle of 24 vertices makes pretty fine and smooth surface. Bonus is that you have less vertices to manipulate - it’s much easier.
Select some faces where you want that lip coming out and press I - inset. Select inside faces, go side view and Ctrl- click: selected faces will extrude. Make some more clicks along your guide curve, tweak a bit.
Pyrogxpilot has the best suggestion - proportional editing. I would add that you have a choice of several profiles - sine(smooth) circular )sphere) linear (triangular) root(quadratic) sharp (well, sharp) to give your lip different shapes, and variable radius of proportional influence to give it a very smooth transition or a quick and sharp one…
This would be much faster to do by hand than try to setup the curve that you have shown to do it automatically… but there are ways to put vertices on a curve and then to bridge to those vertices from a mesh. But it would be like using a hammer to flip a light switch…