I have a problem where when I weight painted, some verts got assigned to more than 4 groups. Normally, I guess this wouldnt be a problem. However, the engine that my model will be going into requires all verts to be assigned to no more than 4 weights. I have a list with errors saying what verts have more than 4 (Warning: Cube : Vertex 20 has more than 4 weights! (5)Warning: Cube : Vertex 28 has more than 4 weights! (5)Warning: Cube : Vertex 29 has more than 4 weights! (5)Warning: Cube : Vertex 35 has more than 4 weights! (5) etc…)
Is there a way to display what the number of each individual vertex is? Or is there a way to display how many weights a vert has?
It would be nice if there was an easier way. This will work, but for a lot of points, it will be a pain.
In the properties pane (N key) if you have a vertex selected that has weights assigned to it, those weights will appear in a section labeled ‘Vertex Groups’.
there is an index visualizer script in the addons shipping with blender. If you have a recent version (afaik the script was fixed only 1 or 2 days ago) it should be there somewhere or download it from here: https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-extensions/contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_index_visualiser.py