How to do displacement modifer animation for particle tree leaves?

I was following this tutorial for creating tree animation using a displacement modifier:

The problem is my leaves are a particle system rather than mesh. I followed the steps, but as suspected, the displacment didn’t do anything to animate the tree leaves. Is there an alternative for tree leaf particles I can try? I just want a swaying type of motion for my leaves.

You may simply convert the particles to mesh or maybe making the tree move using some cloth sim and the (hair) particles using hair dynamics ? Here simply moving the “whole tree” :wink:

:thinking: or using an armature and wind sim… for the tree… :sweat_smile: yes very general suggestions…

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Use a simple deform modifier instead make sure to place it BEFORE the Particle System Modifier in the stack…


Amazing! Thanks so much, I will try converting to mesh first. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try the others.

Thank you so much! This is helpful. I’ll try it and will update here if it works!