How to do this i made many mistakes

How exactly to do this I have seen many options that I know of but nothing to say

I would probably start with low poly shapes (12-24 points/vertices?) of flat surfaces just behind the buttons, then create low poly circles (like 6 points) of the button holes, then create quad faces (if possible) between the flat surfaces and button holes to close off the shapes, then model everything else around it.

I usually try and create basic circles and shapes with all even numbered vertices (or all odd), so when connecting faces between shapes, there’s matching vertices between shapes. You sometimes need to add a shape or two with an additional vertex, but helps as a starting point.

And of course, the usual adding a subsurf modifier to subdivide it and smooth the model, so you can continue modeling in lower poly but have a higher resolution result.

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I just need to learn topology modeling, but I don’t know how much modeling you can do.
Please refer to the link below for instructions.

The image seems to be created in Ai. Some parts don’t fit.

If you model roughly, you construct a grid shape like the image.
(Image is not accurate I made it approximate. :sweat_smile:)


Yes, it’s good, I think I can do it

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In fact there is some strange things happening… the left and right “extrusions” are totally different but nonetheless the met somekind of symmetricall in the middle … (see orange line of vertexes) ???

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a semi-crude example…

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I am wrong here

that is, there are defects in it. the surface will not be smooth, there will be no flatness

I have an error here. there is a problem in the more circular area. I think I’ll start with a smaller polygon and it will be similar, but it’s like doing it by hand.

This doesn’t have a whole image, and since it’s created with Ai, there are some errors. I don’t think we need to stick to the same shape.

Loop Tools Addon can help you organize your modeling.

※ Topology modeling requires moving Vertex to create the desired shape. :slightly_smiling_face:


If it is difficult to recognize the shape, I think the easiest way is to make it into a simple shape.
(Simple shape modeling can be easily modified.)

WQRQWR.blend (1.1 MB)
I made a simple shape from the basic shape of a cylinder.

  1. If you are not familiar with modeling, you can use this to complete the shape with Sculpting.
    And then use the Sculpting object as a guide to Retopology.

  2. Complete it by forming the edges into the desired shape from this basic shape.


You can change the direction of the loop around the right button section (look at the quads by red arrow), so you can fill that area:

So instead of loops continuing horizontally (small red line), you can change the loop direction vertically (orange line):

So you can extrude part of the bottom circle upwards to fill most of that behind area, just extruding enough loops to connect with the right button section, if that makes sense.