How to eliminate for example red color from this material? There is this ‘‘Separate color’’ node but I didn’t find solution how to connect it properly.
Depends a little on what the color that you want to mask should turn to after excluding it. But anyway ou can not only separate but also combine the channels by either RGB or HSV and combine and alter the channels in between as you like.
You would have to combine the RGB again leaving out the R channel.
Which is the same as using a colour curve node and setting the red channel to 0
Or subtract pure red from it (note that I clamped the result so that you do not get negative red values)
PS for the last subtract method you would have to do it before the Brightness contrast and HSV nodes with your setup.
I’d probably just multiply with the color 0,1,1 as the last step.
In this case I would suggest using MixRGB set to multiply over Vector multiplication, as you can clamp the result in that one. I’ve previously had the Brightness/Contrast node (maybe also HSV node, not sure) do things I didn’t expect, like pushing colors out of bounds. You don’t want to use out of bounds colors as actual base colors as the shader would end up gaining energy.