Hello everyone. I have an object that duplicates another object in each face (dupli faces). Let’s think, for example a Cube, which duplicates a Torus; therefore I have an object made of 6 Tori (Toruses?). So far, so good.
Now, I want to make it explode, but I want the small pieces to be Tori, not the Cube’s sqare faces. I have tried several combinations, but I cannot find a proper solution.
What version of Blender are you using. It should work on 2.5. You need to add a particle system to the torus and then add an explode modifier to the torus, then when you hit alt-A the duplicated toruses should explode.
I think I didn’t explain my question properly. I did the particle-system-and-explode-modifier thing with the cube (which is the object I want to explode). When you do that trick, the object’s faces (tris or quads) are scattered all over the space. However, I do not want tris nor quads, I want toruses. That’s why I used dupli faces.
I can obtain torus-shaped particles, in the particle system configuration. The problem then is that 1) particles are waaay smaller than the toruses in the original object and 2) the original object (6 toruses) is still rendered.
So, to sum up: the idea is to get an exploding cube but with toruses (or monkeys, or whatever) instead of squares flying away.