How to fund specific features/enhancements in a viable way?

Quotes are from the E-Cycles thread continued here:

Don’t see how, showing your code at interviews is possible whether you’re a code messiah or mercenary. If I were hiring, code would speak not image.

Both seem to be occurring and yet multiple threads, posts, paragraphs later… still ruminating(?) about @bliblubli’s approach. Why not try said, or your own preferred methods out to fund your spectral rendering efforts? Surely that’d be less contradictory and more productive, data wise if not feature wise too?

Patreon would avoid this how?

Fracture Mod, Tangent Anim, Grease Pencil, Mantaflow, etc. Parts of have or are due to join trunk. There are dilutive risks sure but so far the sky hasn’t fallen. :crossed_fingers:

Isn’t that Tangent though? I agree on the interconnectedness bit, but assume Brecht and co can discern what will and won’t mesh with their roadmap / architecture and pick, mix and modify parts of offered code accordingly.

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