I’ve been into Blender for 3 months now and found a niche in Product animation.
The real issue is I have no idea what comes next , meaning I’ve a few product animation video for my portfolio but have no idea how to score a job based on my knowledge.
It would be great if some of the seasoned artists could help me with a tip or two on how to approach an AD AGENCY fo such jobs or find some freelance work in that particular niche.
Hey! I think you just have to put yourself out there! Like you did here XD I run an agency myself you could send me your reel I would love to see what u can do! For my clients
And a big thanks to @bartv and @Vibhukishan_Ravichan for such quick response and letting me experience why every Blender user is proud to be a part of this community( given the fact that this my first post on this forum).
Also I just read somewhere that when starting a job with no experience it’s important to build your personal brand. Now that I realize most of my reels are basically YouTube tutorials which helps one master Blender. I do not wish to be considered “a newbie who is still learning Blender” , but rather “a newbie who can use blender to express his ideas”.
So @Vibhukishan_Ravichan , is it okay with you if I send you my reels after making a few changes that represents my ideas as well within 48 hrs?