So I made a game character in the latest version of blender. I added a rig using rigify where I then made both a run and a walk animation within blender for him. That all seems to work okay so far.
My problem now though is that I have followed numerous tutorials including even trying to figure it out on my own to get the animations to play and work when moving the character within Unity 4 and for some reason I can only get it partly working.
I tried Humanoid but it didn’t seem to work even though he’s in a human-like shape partially. I gave up with that and ended up going with Legacy and I’m able to get the animations to work somewhat to where if I click play the animation will start to play but then it will stop. If I loop the animations the character will continue on. However, I still can’t seem to figure out how to get it to work with the character controller properly only when I use the keys for movement nothing happens even though I’ve assigned the animations in the appropriate spots.
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong maybe?
Is there a better way or a better tutorial somewhere that I haven’t found yet?