How to get column values from SpreadsheetColumn from SpaceSpreadsheet.columns using python api?

I can get column name from SpreadsheetColumn but how to get column values from SpreadsheetColumn? I have enclosed python code and screen shot. Request any one help.


import bpy

def find_spreadsheet_space():
    # Find 3D_View window and its scren space
    area = None
    for a in[0].windows[0].screen.areas:
        if a.type == "SPREADSHEET":
            area = a
    return area.spaces[0] if area else bpy.context.space_data

s_sheet = find_spreadsheet_space()

print(s_sheet) # SpaceSpreadsheet 

collist = s_sheet.columns 
print(collist)   # column collection

print( s_sheet.columns.items() ) # tupple 

for col in s_sheet.columns.items():
    print(col[1])                      # Getting SpreadsheetColumn
    print(col[1].id)                   # Getting SpreadsheetColumnID
    print(col[1]              # etting SpreadsheetColumnID name


#<bpy_collection[1], SpaceSpreadsheet.columns>
#<bpy_struct, SpreadsheetColumn at 0x00000137C70A1C80>
#<bpy_struct, SpreadsheetColumnID at 0x00000137C755D920>
# position

# I can get column name from SpreadsheetColumn 
# but how to get column values from SpreadsheetColumn

I believe it’s not accessible through Python API without hacking using ctypes.
Though any data from it is accessible by API, just not through spreadsheet.

There was a pull request made that was adding spreadsheet csv export but not sure what happened to it.

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