How to get Hebrew Text Characters


I’ve been trying to read up online on how to access Hebrew characters in Blender - with no luck. There is mention of Unicode characters but I cannot figure out how to access them? I can load different character sets (ie Arial or Times)+ but cannot see any Unicode characters or a button to press to show all of the characters.

Would appreciate any help.


Ok here’s a quick workaround…

Add a text (FONT) object, then set the font in the normal way, you’ll probably need to use a TTF (True Type Font, e.g. the default font didn’t work, i’m on Win at the mo so I selected Arial and that worked).

Next select the Text object, then change a window to Text Editor and add the following:

s=u'\u05ea\u05d0\u05de\u05d9\u05df \u05dc\u05d9'
ob = bpy.context.object
tcu =
tcu.body = s

It’s quick n dirty and I don’t even know what it say’s…

After another quick test I copied a Hebrew string straight from Google Translate and used it like this…

tcu.body = "סלעי בלנדר!"

only it doesn’t look like that in the script text editor, it’s those unicode boxes…

Anyway to run the script press “Alt + P”

*** Deds to RickyBlender 'cos this is some code of his I found in the archives…