How to get this shadow / lighting effect in blender?

Couple of points:

  1. What is the roughness of your glass material - it looks rough from the screen shots posted - which could be why your light is being diffused.

  2. Never use the actual glass shader out of the box for windows. Cycles is very poor at dealing with caustics - and any light passing through a glass material becomes a caustic. It’s better to use what is known as an “architectural glass” shader setup (see link below). Be sure that if you do use the glass shader, to ensure your object has thickness. The glass shader doesn’t work properly on simple planes.

  3. Alternatively you could use a mix shader with glossy/transparent shaders and a Fresnel node plugged into the fac slot of the mix node. You don’t really need refraction for flat planes of glass - so a transparent plane with a slightly glossy surface would be sufficient.

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