How to get your computer to render faster

OK So I was thinkin…
If I set up a quick thread, everyone can put in thier two cents on how to make renderings go faster and we’ll have a huge library of ways to improve the blendering experience.
I know that I hate waiting for renderings.:no:
Here are three suggetions that I have.
Empty your desktop. I know, I know, You like your desktop cluttered like that!:stuck_out_tongue: However, if you have almost nothing showing up on your desktop, then your computer will speed up.

Delete unwanted/unused programs. They take up space in your memory. Delete Them!:ba:

Split your renderings into smaller size animation bits and have them render on multiple computers. (Or convince the Blender developers to create an application to set up a blender rendering farm):smiley:

All right. Anyone else?:confused:

You can use a version of blender there is optimized for your comp… That way you can gain a huge speedup on rendertimes… There was a thread with links to optimized build at some time, but I am to lazy to look :rolleyes:

  • Use Spot-Lamps for Shadows.
  • Turn of unnecessary raytracing.
  • Don’t use AO.
  • Use Radiosity Modelling.
  • Don’t use compositing nodes.

Use radiosity Modeling? :confused:
That usually takes alot longer I thought.
Or am I just being dumb?

Well, this has been posted and asked so many times already…do a search and you will see that others tried to compile such a list already. Like here:

Or here you will find some more stuff:
and lots more…

BTW, I don’t see why having a cluttered desktop slows down my rendering speed…luckily, I have exactly three icons on my desktop :wink:

Cluttered desktops on XP based machines bloat your local profile, which needs to be loaded every time you boot up. You’d be amazed at the sizes of some I’ve run across. Dozens of megs big, they were. Just moving that folder off the desktop and replacing it with a shortcut achieves the same effect, but will shrink your profile considerably.

As for Mac and Linux…um…well…dunno.


yeah ive done that i have one short cut and the recycle bin on my desktop.
Heres some tips on general speeding up your Computer on windows:

  • you should also disable silly winxpvisual effects (right click on my computer>properties>advanced>preformence settings, presonally i have them all disabled. so useless!
  • set wallpaper to none, another pointless thing(i trust the reader should know how to do this)
  • And finally set the windows style to classic (right click on desktop>properties>apperance>windows and buttons> classic)Its not the preetiest look , but its made my computer much faster
    then theres ovious stuff like defragmenting deleting temporay internet files(i have mine set to delete my temporary files every time i close my browser)

Wow! I didn’t know how to turn that stupid stuff off. My comp is running much more smoothly. It’s as ugly as sin but then again is a rabbit compared to the snail it was before.
(Outlook opened quickly the first try!)

You’re tellin me! When I download or work on something it goes straight to the desktop. (Or did. It’s cleaned up now)
I have my screen at highest resolution and it kept filling my screen up. More than 120 icons!
When I moved the stuff to a folder in C:\ , It took up almost 7 Gig.:eek:
I dropped.

Woah!! How do take everything off my desktop?

When do not use raytrace in scene and disable the ray button in the render panel the render goes much faster …
Can disable shadow and environnementmaps too !
Or by setting raytree to 64 accelerates the render too !
Setting the render to premul when not using sky accelerates too .

Scotchtapeworm: It’s simple. If you still want the convinense of it being on your desktop do this:
Open the C drive.
Create a new folder called “[Your Name]'s Desktop Junk”
On your desktop, Select everything except your Recycleing Bin by pressing “Ctl A” and then while holding the control button click on your Recycling Bin and everyting else you want to stay on your desktop (You HAVE to leave the Recycling bin there or Windows won’t copy the files) .
Press “Ctl X” to cut everything
Go into your new folder in the C drive and “Ctl V” to paste.
Once it’s moved, right click your folder and select “Create Shortcut” When the shortcut appears cut and paste it to your desktop.
Now when you browse, everthing from that folder can be accessed from the desktop and your computer will run faster. Hope that helps.

How to speed up a render? Well I have been working on an animation for about three months now and at first it took over 14 minutes a frame to render. Now it takes 20-30 seconds a frame. Here’s what I did:

  1. I have a lot of ram so I turned up to Octree to 512, speeds up the render but uses more RAM.

  2. I set everything up in the first ten layers, and then whenever a layer is not in the camera’s line of sight I animated that layer’s contents to move to a layer that I don’t have set to render (the lower 10 layers) and then back when it needs to be seen. It doesn’t take much time to set up and halves my render time.

  3. The main thing that helped is I cut my subsurf models down for anything that wasn’t a close-up. You can’t see the difference if it’s in the background and it cut my scene from 98 million vertexes (yes, that’s the right number) to 7.8 million, which doesn’t crash my system anymore. :slight_smile:

  4. Whenever you don’t need radiosity or raytracing, don’t use them. They both take a lot of time.

  5. I use the “render this window” button near the layers control to test my movements instead of actually rendering it all. This renders in a tenth of a second (without textures) and lets me get a good sense of the movement I’m getting without fully rendering.

  6. I cut out the backside of my models that were never going to be seen. I wanted a “complete” scene, but soon realized that a Hollywood set with only the parts being seen actually made really sped up renders.

  7. I shut down my antivirus and messenger programs when I am going to render for a while. They suck up a lot of RAM that Blender would really love to use instead.
    [Edit] 8) Oh yeah, and as I am going to be keying out the background anyway in post pro. I simply don’t render the background layer at all, either.

I keep remembering more things that I messed with to get it to render faster. At first, I was tiling a rather large image texture for the ground. Then I realized that the rendering always took the longest when it was dealing with that tiled texture. So I set up seperate materials for the ground object and put a much lower resolution image as texture for the material that was distant from the camera. It speeds up the render and you can’t tell the difference.

I’d never thought of 2 or 6 before. Good Idea!