How to have shaper corners in path?

I animation cars and i’m using follow path to anima the moving of the cars, but how can i get the path shape with shaper corners?

scale down the handles. the size of the handle controls the influence of the point on the curve leading to and away from the point. wider handles, smoother curves. You can even shrink the handles to nothing to get a 90 degree hard sharp corner.

To scale the handles, select all three points; press s, and move the mouse toward the point. play with Grabbing one selected point and moving it around; if you twist it, the car will come to the corner, thrun the wrong way and spin around and shoot off in the other direction. cute!

Thanks. Just one more question. Is there any more organize way to anima cars moving? like traffic movement on the roads? Must I create alot of cars and paths and anima each of them for different timing?

you’re kidding, right? I remember (and I am OLD) in 1978 using a language called Simula to do just that. man, that’s funny. it was part of my queueing theory class in probability and statistics. Loved it.

Anyway, sorry for the flashback. Blender is not a simulation program. However, there is a blenderpeople script that moves a bunch of people meshes around, and there is a swarm script that swarms meshes like bees, so there might be a kind person out there who might write something for you BUT it cannot read your mind or perform complex queueing and bunching analysis.

You can re-use the same path for multiple cars, and start them at different times in your animation. A few paths (3) and a few different cars (4) will produce 12 different cars doing different things and will appear to be random yet somehow the same, which is what traffic looks like.

Then put a duck crossing the road and all heck breaks loose.

:smiley: Great! I’ll give it a try. THANKS!

see also