-Whenever I wish to texture a surface, I always have to turn wrapping off by using the
<tab> and then <u> key shortcut to tell it so.
-Is there a way to have wrapping set to off for the sake of all objects yet uncreated
by modelling default?
-Whenever I wish to texture a surface, I always have to turn wrapping off by using the
<tab> and then <u> key shortcut to tell it so.
-Is there a way to have wrapping set to off for the sake of all objects yet uncreated
by modelling default?
I think you might be confused by the word “unwrap”:
To unwrap in this case does not mean to remove the wrapping, but to unfold the mesh and create corresponding UV coordinates for it, which is actually kind of creating a wrapping.
So, your question is rather: How do I automatically create UV coordinates for newly added primitives = How do I have UV wrapping on by default?
Have a look at the “Add Object” operator menu - many primitives have a “Generate UVs” checkbox:
For custom models getting UV coordinates will still require manual unwrapping, though.
-I can’t find this menu in Blender 2.78
-Is there a way to change this defaulting for NURBS Surfaces?
That menu is either in the bottom left corner (in the “T”-panel) or on the F6 button and can only be accessed directly after adding the object:
UV coordinates are bound to polygonal geometry (AFAIK). No polygons, no UVs.
-It isn’t in my blender at all. Do I need to enable a special script?
Is it possible that one of my scripts s taking it away?
This is core functionality, so I’d say it has to be there - addon or not.
What version of Blender are you using?
Is there nothing showing in the bottom left corner of the “T”-panel at all after adding a primitive?
Not even a small flag with a “+” sign indicating a minimized panel?
-I have seen it now. It seems to have gotten hidden. However
Even having created a square plane like this, created a new material,
and created the texture, I still get the wierd diagonal “circular” phenomenon.
I still have to go <tab> + <u> to untab. What is going on?
Left is a plane primitive, created with “Generate UVs”. Right is the corresponding UV map: Flawless.
I have no idea what the ‘weird diagonal “circular” phenomenon’ is supposed to be. Care to show a screenshot?
-This is my example. I don’t have a menu appearing in the <t> area when I add my mesh plane.
By means of this rendering example, something is not keeping wrap mode off by default.
Can you tell me where the prior setting is by means of my example file, please?
Starting File.blend (1.27 MB)
Yes, you have. It’s just collapsed:
The plane in your example does not have UV coordinates, because you did not check “Generate UVs” on creating it. Hence all texture mapping based on UVs will of course fail.
I’m confused, though: In your last post you wrote that you did check “Generate UVs” for a new plane, but still got incorrect results. But how did you check that box if you weren’t even able find it?