How to I use extrude, rotate, and scale based on numbers rather then freehanded.

Alright I have looked through the help files on the website, I have looked through the wiki, and I have tried about a dozen things in the interface. So after a few hours I am breaking down and asking it here. :slight_smile:

Coming from 3D studio max I have become pretty good at modeling based on numbers rather then visual alone simply because I have found it much more accurate. However every tutorial I have found along with the hotkeys have always pointed out press E for extrude and stuff like that.

My question is, would there be another hotkey if I wish to bring up a input box to enter a value for how much I want to extrude the object by, or the degrees I want to rotate it by. Also I reilize this might not even be a function in blender, if that is the case just say that. :slight_smile:

The “N” key brings up a floating panel box where you can enter all kinds of accurate numerical input. The options in the box change depending on what you are doing at any given time.

Also for extrude/rotate/grab etc, you are able to enter numbers directly without the box too. i.e.

Press R (Rotate) 20, object rotates 20 degrees

Hope that helps

Thanks a ton. I completely missed it but also the title bar below the view is where the number changes when you type a value in. So when selecting rotate the bar with “View” “Select” “And Mesh.” is changed to hold a number, when you press the number it will appear there are you can also backspace. I think after getting used to a new interface Blender is going to work out just fine for me. :slight_smile: