Hello Blender World,
Yep, this is a basic. I tried the archives but found no simple explination. I hope my subject title and someone’s help here will provide useful to other new Blenders like myself!
So I sort of get how you create proceedural textures on a model, and I have seen many instructions for importing an image as a bump/ tecture map, but what I am having trouble with is how to import an image - like a tif, or a vector graphic from say illustrator, onto the surface of a model. For example, I would like to make a Soda Can. I have the label graphics completed in Photoshop and I have a 3D model in Blender. Now I would like to put the label on the 3D can. (of course I am also going to ask - how I can scale and position the graphic on the model once it is imported??). Thank you in advance to whomever can help out! It is greatly appreciated. Alternatively, if there is a tutorial you can point to that would be equally great!
Atomic Birdsong