How to insert a Point to existing Rot Curve?

In Blender 2.25, i’ve tried the following Code:

Curve = Object.getSelected()[0].getIpo().get('RotZ')
Frame = 155
Position = 20.0/180*pi

If i do that, the new Point is on the specified Position at (X155,Y20). But the whole Rest of the Curve is scaled in the Y-Axis with the Factor 5.729! I had a Look at the Ipo Module and found the _radian_factor. It’s a Float with a Value of 5.729! :o What does that mean? And how can i insert a Point to my Curve without this scaling?

you could just divide everythign by the value… it would give you proper values if thats goign into all of them


Yes, it seems, i’ve to do that. :-? I multiply the Point Position with the _radian_factor. Now, the new Point is scaled up too and i can scale each Point of the Curve back to normal by dividing with the _radian_factor. That’s not Gentleman like, but it works.
Thanx, anyway.