How to install extension from the command line?

I’m diving into Blender’s new extension system that is replacing addons, mostly because I need to use python wheels. Anyhow, I’d like to add a line to my make script that installs the extension after I’ve finished building it. I’m trying to figure out the right syntax to use. According to the docs, I think I need something like

blender --command extension install-file -r REPO --enable extension/

The problem is, I have no idea what the REPO is supposed to be and the documentation doesn’t provide any help. If you leave it out, it refuses to install. This is a just a zip file in a local directory that my script has just built - what should I put for the REPO?

I think you might have better chances for a proper answer on the developer forum.
And yes, the docs often are very sparse when dealing with things like this. :man_shrugging:

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Yup given the increase in complexity of the extension system I think someone who knows how it works should devote a bit of time to write some documentations. Currently it is very tedious to try and make it work. Cheers

I’ve posted over on Hopefully they’re respond.

Writing proper documentation isn’t really a thing at the BF I feel.
Often their answer is “You do it, we check and put it online…”

I can understand the limits of time per developer, but shitty and/or incomplete documentation will not help anyone.
Especially the parts of Blender dealing with integration into a studio were abysmal imho. It has become slightly better, but not much…

If I understand the docs properly, the repo flag will need an existing repository.
So that means the user_default or the system repository ID (module name) that comes with Blender.
Or a custom one that you created yourself on e.g. a network drive.
So Blender knows where to put the extension during installation.

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In theory, it should be the repository identifier… as given in blender --command extension repo-list (for example: blender_org).

But I’ve tried it with 4.2.1 and it didn’t worked.

blender_org will probably not work as it is linked back to the website.

It probably works for user_default or system. If not, I’m out of ideas :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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user_default seems to work. It’s hard to tell, though, since my console is getting spammed by error messages from every addon I have that does not run in headless mode. There also seems to be no way to uninstall an extension, so I can’t uninstall it to confirm it gets installed when I run the command.

Maybe some more info will come out of your post in the Development forum. Let’s see what they say as well.

Perhaps @nickberckley will know something on this.

Isn’t remove uninstall command in this context?

I suppose so. I was trying to do it from the Preferences screen and couldn’t find anything there.