How to keep an object from rendering in Eevee or Cycles?

I was using this Image as Plane object to draw over it, now I am ready to render the drawing.

Thanks guys


In your Outliner (upper right of the screen default) you’ll probably see icons of an eye, a monitor, and a camera next to each object in your screen. Hover over each one of these and click the one that applies to what you want to hide or show from the render.

Unfortunately no :frowning:
There’s only an eye.


In 2.8 you can disable render only for collections, i make everytime one called “inactive” uncheck the box and move all object in that i want to disable.

That did it!
Thank you so much rigoletto :slight_smile:

P.S. I miss the simplicity of the older way

Click on the little funnel symbol in the right top corner of your image and a menu will open where you can enable the other options (i.e. hide, renderable, etc …) to appear next to the eye symbol. The camera icon is what you want

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