How to keep image srgb inside 3d world instead filmic

Hi! Im working on my 3D slide presentation style which is imported an image inside 3D rendering.

But the problem is : The imported image color got shifted! It’s because the Filmic color spaces being applied.

(FYI : the image is shadeless, i applied IAP shadeless in it so it wont react with room’s lights)

Here is the difference :

I found out that Standard look has 1:1 with picture’s own original color. But the 3d environment will get blown out because standard has very low dynamic range.

Is there a way to fix this? like, keep the 3d environment filmic, but the images imported still standard look?

or i should process this image from linear exr to rec709 at davinci?

In the shader editor, you can change the color space of the image texture

it’s already sRGB in my shader editor

but the colors still shifted. i think blender works like this :

image texture sRGB got layer of AGX as final layer., then render result.

so it causes color shift. Is there a way to keep the image texture not affected by AGX final layer?

A few ideas:

  • adjust the lighting to have softer lights for the 3D environment,
  • render cryptomattes to tweak the colors of picture OR 3D environment in post
  • use different light groups for picture vs 3D environment

If you set your output transform (Filmic, AgX, whatever) as the image’s input transform, the colors will (more or less) round-trip, since the inverse operation (applied to the image texture on its way in) and the forward operation (applied to the whole render on the way out) cancel out.

Note that this trick assumes the display transform is perfectly invertible, which it’s usually not, so there’s always the potential for color artifacts or other issues, but a lot of the time it’s enough to get the job done.