Hi all, I’m transitioning from Maya to Blender, and wrapping my head around the Linking workflow (coming from Maya’s Reference editor).
If I’m linking a scene with something like a car, using separate collections for each object I want to be able to animate individually (i.e. steering wheel and speedometer needle), how do I keep the origins in the centers of those objects, like they are in the original scene file?
After linking, all the objects automatically have their origins set to the center of the scene. And I’m unable to change the origins on linked scene collections/objects using Object>Set Origin>Origin to Geometry. What’s the best workflow for something like this?
If you are linking a scene, all objects are at same position as in original file.
They can’t be moved or animated. Animation is the animation of original file.
Purpose is just to use scene as a background scene or to render it differently.
But if you link a collection, you can create a library override and animate objects.
Resetting location will place object at origin of scene.But suppressing overrides of location should reset location at original position.
Ideal solution is to build an armature using a bone as parent of each object and include it in collection.
So, you just have to animate armature to animate objects.
By default collection is created at 3D cursor position.
If you mark collection as an asset in original file, you can drag and drop asset from asset browser to anywhere in viewport.