How to make an object appear during animation?

I have few questions.

  1. I have few questions - how to animate an object to make it appear or disappear by changing saturation? (not by scalling it)
  2. How to add an object during the animation (for example) to make it appear in 100th exposure and throw it away in 200th?
    Thanks for every piece of advise.
  1. How to add an object during the animation (for example) to make it appear in 100th exposure and throw it away in 200th?
    Frame 1 - set renderability of object to off - add keyframe
    Frame 100 - set renderability of object to on - add keyframe
    Frame 200 - set renderability of object to off - add keyframe
    Set renderability of object in the outliner window (camera icon). Keyframe its state by pressing I with the curser over the camera icon

This is the same way to keyframe changes of any parameter (almost), RMB and select add keyframe or pressing I while the mouse is hovering over that parameter.

It not work . Which keyframe I must use ?

Can I animate sculpt mode - 1st keyframe before >sculpt mod./100 keyframe .

It’s work’s I did something wrong. Thank’s.