how to make .blend from exe???

please can you help me…is it possible to make .blend file from compilated exe.???

No, I don’t think you can?

It can be done using a simple python script, but as Blender is an open source and if the file is in exe format I think the owner doesn’t want to share it.

can you tell me the script???..i am owner of this exe:) i want to put this script in to the scene and every time when you want it will save . blend file with actual positions of objects… only positions and rotations of objects and one camera…

Wait, your telling me there is a script that could brake into a exe. file. What if someone was working on a game for YEARS they could just brake into it and steal it in minutes!!!
Is there a script that could stop it?

10nas - there is a tutorial out there for saving the state of the game, you don’t need to dump out the whole blend file and besides, it would probably save the INITIAL state of the game no t the CURRENT state!

Search for the tutorial!

C-106 Delta: I’ve responded to this comment in the thread you started in response to this.

Every executable can be broken into.

With some knowledge, and some time to spare, you can rip anything you like from any executable or data file. Learn to live with it, just like the manufacturers of music CD’s and DVD’s have to :wink:

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You sure can get a .blend from an .exe made with blender. Here’s a thread that explains how:

Hope that helped you out. Enjoy, but remember that any game made with Blender 2.25 and earlier is not covered by the GPL, so it is illegal to extract the blend from it. It is legal to extract from any game made after Blender 2.25