I am looking for help on how to make the flemish bond pattern with Blender’s brick material node. What parameter makes the bricks follow a long brick side then short brick side pattern and offset on each stack as the reference images show?
The native Brick texture node is not suitable for that pattern.
You could setup your own ‘Flemish’ brick pattern, or search here in the forum for existent solutions (I believe there are some).
Someone asked a similar question a few years ago on making the Brooklyn brick pattern. Here is the post in which I shared the node setup. Feel free to tweak it to get the brick pattern you want.
Made an initial attempt that approximates what I am looking for. Made it with chatGPT and OSL. After watching an Erindale video that shows procedrual bricks with rotation control I will still attempt another version of this pattern where I will add some more functionality to it such the rotation of the bricks