I’ve created a basic fluid simulation over 250 frames, but, when it reaches the 251th frame, domain’s shape comes back to the original cube. I would like to know if there is a way to make it remain in its last shape when the animation finishes.
Another little question: I’ve used a final quality of 300, is it enough? I’m asking this because I can see some areas where the fluid is sharp despite the 3 levels of subsurfing I’ve applied.
The first question… jump to frame 250 and convert the fluid sim to mesh.
second question… quality of 300 sounds good. maybe try to ad a smooth modifier to the mesh. btw. displacement with normals enabled is fun too.
Are you sure that if I apply fluid when I am in the last frame, it will be applied to all frames after the last one or to all frames?
Oh, btw, the smooth modifier, factor 2, repetitions 3, worked really well, thanks a lot!!!