How to make glass materials with Yable/Yafray?

Ive been trying to fiddle with material settings and with some textures, with no luck. Or Im missing something very obvious, like I usually do.

Id be also interested in any tutorials you can offer me.

Theres been a lot of discussion here and at the forums about making different sorts of materials. i suggest you do a search on both and check that out.

I’m not sure if there is a tutorial on this or not. I have school tomorrow morning but when I’m done with that I will see if I can give you an explaination of how I do it.


Try here -
This might help. I started with a basic glass material then adjusted it until it was what I wanted then I saved it so I could load it when I needed glass.
(The site and tips are not mine just thought they may help)

I hope I can help. here is a linkt to my own try at doing a glass render with Yafray-

And my caustics and glass test render xml file here. Change the Blend ext. to xml-

Thanks a lot, that really did help me out.


For this I was asking help.