Ive been trying to fiddle with material settings and with some textures, with no luck. Or Im missing something very obvious, like I usually do.
Id be also interested in any tutorials you can offer me.
Ive been trying to fiddle with material settings and with some textures, with no luck. Or Im missing something very obvious, like I usually do.
Id be also interested in any tutorials you can offer me.
Theres been a lot of discussion here and at the yafray.org forums about making different sorts of materials. i suggest you do a search on both and check that out.
I’m not sure if there is a tutorial on this or not. I have school tomorrow morning but when I’m done with that I will see if I can give you an explaination of how I do it.
Try here -
This might help. I started with a basic glass material then adjusted it until it was what I wanted then I saved it so I could load it when I needed glass.
(The site and tips are not mine just thought they may help)
I hope I can help. here is a linkt to my own try at doing a glass render with Yafray-
And my caustics and glass test render xml file here. Change the Blend ext. to xml-
Thanks a lot, that really did help me out.
For this I was asking help.