How to make glass shader with objects inside

I’m trying to make some candy dispensers and the glass shader is giving me trouble. Just a regular principled bsdf glass shader makes the inside of the glass too dark, while mixing principled bsdf with a transparent bsdf and a light path node is unrealistic. Any help would be appreciated.

Principled BSDF

Principled BSDF+Transparent BSDF

When you make glas you should put the Value of the base color at least to 1.0.
An other problem can be the lighting. You have to put reflections on it to make it visible.
And it’s important that there is somthing bright shining through from behind the glas…etc.
And I recommand not to use the “transparent glas” funktion in the rendersettings under “film”.

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the inside of the glass is dark because the glass casts a shadow, you can turn off the shadow of the glass by going to the object properties and in the ray visibility uncheck the shadow, but that will make the glass no longer have a shadow which means it’s unrealistic.

I have a better solution to keep the inside of the glass bright and the glass still casting shadows

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Thanks, this shader works well.

youre welcome, glad to help.