How to make object partly transparent, partly opaque

Hello! please help me - I’m trying to make a model of a beach ball, and I need it to be transparent but with a design wrapped over it. The design has empty/transparent parts and opaque colors in others. How do I do this? How do I make an object transparent but also wrap it with an opaque texture?

For reference, it’s this cherry design. as you can see, there are blanks in between the cherries but I want the cherries themselves to show completely opaque on the transparent ball.

Thank you!!

But it would probably be better for it not to be completely transparent and maybe mix a glossy shader with a transparent one.


omg you are my hero thank you so much!!

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actually I didn’t get to try it until right now, but the ball’s not turning transparent? am I doing something wrong? thank you!

Hmm that looks right, I see you are using Eevee and an older version of Blender, I remade the file in 3.6 and it works fine. You do need to set the material settings for the alpha in Eevee but it should not look like that even if you forgot.

Here is the file I made (3.6) with the image texture packed.

ball.blend (423.8 KB)

Not sure why it does not work for you, I presume the image file you are using is the same one you posted (with the alpha channel)?

oh i’m stupid i used the wrong image. again, thank you so much!

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