How to make old .blend files work in 2.8 EEVEE

I want to import some old work in Blender I made in 2013 (7 years break) that used cycles and make it work in EEVEE, but I’m a bit lost (it doesn’t even work in Cycles).
For example, I see parts (eyes) in pink color. Is there a tutorial, or some guidelines?

EDIT: Some files do work in Cycles in 2.82a, but in EEVEE appear dark.

I’m pretty sure there’s something in this series of tutorials:

Thanks, but I actually meant article tutorials where I can scan and quickly locate the important info or solution, I don’t have time for long linear formats (video) -most of us lack the time and usually the important info is no longer than a few seconds.

I had trouble with transparent materials and I found the solution on a few lines of text:

  1. Render → Screen Space Reflections *ON
  2. Render → Screen Space Reflections → Refraction *ON
  3. Material → Surface → Principled BSDF → Transmission *1.000
  4. Material → Surface → Principled BSDF → Roughness *PLAY WITH IT
  5. Material → Settings → Blend Mode *OPAQUE
  6. Material → Settings → Screen Space Refraction *ON
  7. Material → Settings → Refraction Depth PLAY WITH IT (I generally suggest 0.8 but depends on the thickness of the object)



  • I noticed that the diffraction with Eevee is inferior to Cycles (but personally I’m OK with that, since I’m making models for an external engine).
  • I had to replace mesh lights with area-lights.
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