How to make shadows go through..

hi all,
ive seen this somewhere in youtube which i dont remember that in the new version of blender u can make shadows pass through the leafs unlikely the old version (2.49) that the shadows would be solid,like circle or cubic…can anyone point me out how i can setup that?
any youtube links or anything else that shows how to do it…
thanks in advance,

shadow thru transparent objects already worked in 2.49.

There is a difference how to create Transparency: z-buffer or raytrace
Next you have to enable every material to receive “transparent-shadows”

This is an extra switch, there is “receive shadows” and “receive transparent shadows”

Only “raytrace shadow” can produce shadows for a material with parts of different transparency.

To use raytrace calculation for shadows is more time-consuming for your computer,
thats the reason while the other method is the default, you normaly dont need it for simple transparent materials like glas. But you need “raytrace” for special effects and one of them is the walk (raytrace) thru every seen point of an object and its material to calculate the changes of light.

i tried to use raytrace and didnt work,what am i missing?

Try translucency setting.

ok thanks imona give it a try…i apreciate that